Sunday, July 19, 2009

HAUMC Change Agents Blog

Greetings, fellow change agents! We had our third meeting tonight at Ingrid's house, and I asked if it would be OK if I set up a blog for our group. This blog is not an "official" HAUMC publication, although at some point in the future if we wanted to have a blog under the auspices of (and someone knew how to set that up ;-) we could certainly move there.

Blogspot is owned by google, so this is a free service available to anyone who wants to set up their own blog.

Any member of the group can become an author. I think the procedure is I would send an email "invitation" to the mailing list, and anyone who wants to respond to it can become an author. Being an author means you can write a blog post. Anyone who reads the blog can comment on a post by clicking the "comments" link under the post.

I thought this might be an easy way for us to communicate between meetings. If someone finds out about something, you could post it to the blog and we could read about it. We can also post meeting announcements, minutes, and so forth. Please make suggestions about anything I have already put up that you think could be changed (wording of the welcome message, other links, etc.).

One other point of logistics: the blog can be set up to be open to anyone (that is how it is currently set up), or we could restrict it so that only people we know can read it. (You would basically need to have your email address on an approved list.) If anyone feels that there is a reason to restrict the readership, we can easily change the settings.

I will create a list of links along the side of the blog that I have learned about that relate to our mission. You can also use this blog page as a handy shortcut to those links.

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