Monday, July 20, 2009

Save the Date: March 25, 2010

Brian Rusche from the Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC) joined us at our meeting on Sunday, and one of the things we talked about is an annual event they organize called Day On the Hill. People from all over Minnesota come to St. Paul for a day, and meet with their state senator and representative to discuss issues pertaining to social justice. You can join together with other people from your district to visit your representatives and tell them how important these issues are to us. Brian emphasized, as Lee Carlson does, that face-to-face meetings with your representative are one of the most effective kinds of advocacy we can do.

The date for 2010 is March 25, which is a Thursday. Put that on your calendar and plan to attend--last year they had 850 people. Since we come from different districts, it is important for as many people to come as possible!

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